Membership Options

+PLUS plans
The most inclusive membership package, built for success, connection, growth, and experience. Tons of features from $730 per year. Includes enhanced local, state, and national memberships.
All BUILDER +PLUS and ASSOCIATE +PLUS plans include:
Councils Passport
Includes membership in our 3 most popular councils: Professional Women in Building, Remodeling, and Sales & Marketing
Experience Passes
Two complimentary tickets to a selection of paid events and experiences, in addition to those included at no cost with your membership.
Priority MBA Health Trust Evaluation
Automatic, priority handling consultation to determine potential savings with the MBA Health Insurance Trust*
Priority GRIP (Retro L&I) Evaluation
Automatic, priority evaluation for our exclusive L&I retro and safety program*
MBA Gear Store
Show-off your professional affiliation and select from a collection of complimentary logo items. -
Promotional Consult
An exclusive sit-down with our sponsorships and promotions expert to design a plan that promotes your business to over 2500 MBAKS member companies.
Membership-only plans
Secure your membership in America's first homebuilders association. From only $595 per year. Add-on additional options based on your budget. Includes basic local, state, and national memberships.

Membership Pricing
Builder - Membership Only
Builders, General Contractors, and Remodelers.
$595 per year, plus unit dues
Includes basic MBAKS, BIAW, and NAHB Builder Membership
UNIT DUES will be invoiced as permits are taken in King and Snohomish counties. Unit dues are $10 per developed lot, $20 per single-family home and $15 per multifamily unit after the first 15 units each year. Remodeling dues are $20 per $80,000 in permit value after the first $300,000.
Associate - Membership Only
Companies who support and supply homebuilders.
- No Employees: $550/yr.
- 1-4 Employees: $595/yr.
- 5 to 9 Employees: $650/yr.
- 20+ Employees: $695/yr.
Includes basic MBAKS, BIAW, and NAHB Associate Membership
Affiliate - Membership Only
Employees of Builder and Associate member companies.
$25 per year, per employee
Includes basic MBAKS, BIAW, and NAHB Affiliate Membership
Our most inclusive option for Builders, General Contractors, and Remodelers.
$775 per year, plus unit dues
Includes enhanced MBAKS, BIAW, and NAHB Builder Membership
UNIT DUES will be invoiced as permits are taken in King and Snohomish counties. Unit dues are $10 per developed lot, $20 per single-family home and $15 per multifamily unit after the first 15 units each year. Remodeling dues are $20 per $80,000 in permit value after the first $300,000.
Our most inclusive option for companies who support and supply homebuilders.
- No Employees: $730/yr.
- 1-4 Employees: $775/yr.
- 5 to 9 Employees: $830/yr.
- 20+ Employees: $875/yr.
The inclusive option for employees of Builder and Associate member companies.
$205/yr., per employee
Includes enhanced MBAKS, BIAW, and NAHB Affiliate Membership
+PLUS plans include Councils Passport, Free Experience Passes, Priority GRIP & Health Consultations, MBA Gear Store Gifts, and Promotional Consultation.
Membership Enhancements
Professional Women in Building Council
Add $65/yr.
(included in +PLUS plans)
Remodelers Council
Add $60/yr.
(included in +PLUS plans)
Sales & Marketing Council
Add $60/yr.
(included in +PLUS plans)
GRIP Evaluation
Standard complimentary evaluation on request.
(automatic with +PLUS plans)
MBA Health Insurance Trust Consultation
Standard complimentary consultation on request.
(automatic with +PLUS plans)
Events & Experiences
Member-level pricing for paid events in addition to a large selection of included experiences.
(free events passes with +PLUS plans)
Affiliate +PLUS Membership
This hyper-charged membership package for your employees includes all +PLUS plan benefits for just $205/yr. each.
Affiliate Membership
Standard employee membership for just $25/yr. each.
Framework: New Member Orientation
Your "welcome aboard" discovery orientation that helps you take full advantage of your membership immediately.
Complimentary for all new members.